Declaration on the Kurdish people

Meeting of the SI Council at the United Nations in Geneva, 26-27 June 2018

The SI Council considers that the Iranian regime is able to easily escape the consequences of its actions, knowing that the nuclear programme overshadows other topics such as solidarity and human rights. We expect the International community not to help the Iranian regime to become even more powerful in suppressing opposition.

Right now the Iranian people reached a point where they cannot tolerate poverty, inflation and corruption any longer and are in the streets asking for the Iranian regime to pay attention to the Iranian people instead of interfering in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen and providing economic support to them instead of taking care of its own people. The SI offers its support to the people of Iran in general and Kurdish people in particular in their struggle for democracy and human rights.

In Iraqi Kurdistan, the SI supports the implementation of the Iraqi Constitution and resolving all the outstanding issues between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional government in a peaceful manner. We call upon the Iraqi political parties and the future new federal government to make arrangements which reflect a true participation of the Kurds in the new government based on a partnership, consensus and balance. We call upon both governments in Baghdad and Erbil to stabilise the situation in the disputed territories and allow a joint administration in order to prevent ISIS and similar groups from exploiting the post referendum tensions in the areas for their own advantage and to protect the rights of the Kurdish people and other ethnic and religious minorities in these areas.

We send our congratulations to the People's Democratic Party (HDP) which recently gained major votes in the elections in Turkey. We demand the immediate release of the president of the HDP, Selahattin Demirtas and of all the political prisoners that are illegally detained in Turkish prisons.

The Turkish government should allow the political dialogue to be resumed and needs to return to the process of finding a peaceful solution to the Kurdish question.

In Syria, the Socialist International supports a fair solution for the Kurdish people, so as to guarantee the unity and sovereignty of Syria within the framework of decentralized governance, according to the model of democratic federalism.

As far as Afrin is concerned, we support the safe, stable and dignified return of the people of Afrin, under international supervision and the end of the Turkish occupation in the region.

In line with the commitment of the SI to the cause of the Kurdish people, the Council decides to re- establish the SI Committee on the Kurdish Question.

