Meeting of the SI Presidium and Heads of State and Government, United Nations, New York
15-16 September 2014

OAS Secretary General Participated in Meeting of the Presidium of the Socialist International
September 25, 2014
The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, took part today in the meeting held by the Presidium of the Socialist International in New York. During the meeting, the members of the... Read more
Fin, aujourd'hui, de la visite de travail du Président Issoufou Mahamadou à New York (USA) : Appel du Chef de l'Etat en faveur d'une action internationale en Libye
La Sahel, Septembre 2014
Le Président de la République, Chef de l'Etat, SEM Issoufou Mahamadou, a achevé, dimanche dernier, sa visite de travail à New York, aux Etats Unis d'Amérique où il a pris part activement au débat général lors de la 69ème... Read more
Presidente PRD participa en Presidium de la Internacional Socialista
Alternativas, 25 September 2014
El presidente del Partido Revolucionario Dominicano (PRD), Miguel Vargas Maldonado, participa en la Reunión del Presidium de la Internacional Socialista dentro de la celebración de la 69 Asamblea General de la... Read more

Facebook, 25 September 2014
MPLA attends Socialist International meeting
Angola, 25 September 2014
According to a press release from the Department of Information and Propaganda (DIP) of the MPLA Central Committee, made available, Thursday, to ANGOP, Dino Matrosse leads a delegation of his party to the meeting.... Read more