SI meeting on the two-state solution, Israel and Palestine, for peace and a future of opportunities for the people of the Middle East
Ramallah 30 July – Tel Aviv 31 July 2019
Socialist International convenes in Ramallah, 30 July 2019
Socialist International is umbrella for 162 organizations and political parties from around the world. The annual conference of Socialist International (SI) opened in the West Bank city of Ramallah on Tuesday with the participation of political parties from 25 countries... Read more
La Internacional Socialista se reúne en Palestina, 30 July 2019
La reunión fue interpretada por el partido Fatah como un apoyo de la comunidad internacional a la causa palestina. La organización Internacional Socialista se reunió este martes por primera vez en la ciudad palestina de Ramala, en la Cisjordania ocupada, con la participación de los representantes de 100 partidos políticos de 25 países... Read more
Socialist International to convene in Ramallah – Official
RAMALLAH, Monday, July 29, 2019 (WAFA) - The annual conference of Socialist International (SI) will be hosted this year by the State of Palestine and will convene in Ramallah tomorrow with 100 participants representing political parties from 25 countries, today said Nabil Shaath, advisor to President Mahmoud Abbas on international relations and deputy president of SI... Read more
الرئيس عباس يستقبل وفد الاشتراكية الدولية
30 July 2019
Time to negotiate Israel's eastern border
Israel Hayom, 9 August 2019
Israel needs a border with the Palestinians in order to remain a Jewish and democratic state. Such a border could be created through an agreement or, for lack of any other option, but the fact that it is vital to one side does not make it harmful to the other... Read more
Socialist International affirmed its opposition to ‘deal of the century’ – official
RAMALLAH, Wednesday, July 31, 2019 (WAFA) - The Socialist International (SI), which concluded today its conference held in Ramallah, affirmed its solidarity and stand by the Palestinian people in facing the American "deal of the century", which is aimed at liquidating the Palestinian cause, according to Nabil Shaath, advisor to President Mahmoud Abbas on International Relations and Vice President of SI... Read more
Palestina: Israel se enfrentará a una muerte demográfica
Hispan TV, 31 July 2019
El premier palestino, Muhamad Shtayyeh, asevera que el régimen israelí se enfrentará a “una muerte demográfica”, si se niega a apoyar la solución de dos estados. “Israel se encuentra hoy ante un gran desafío: la solución de dos estados o una muerte demográfica”, enfatizó el martes el primer ministro de Palestina en declaraciones... Read more
Palestina ha hospedado por primera vez la reunión anual de Internacional Socialista
TRT Espanol, 31 July 2019
La reunión anual del consejo de Internacional Socialista fue realizada en el territorio palestino bajo la ocupación por primera vez con la participación de los representantes de 100 partidos desde 25 países... Read more
Lupi lidera comitiva pedetista em reunião da Internacional Socialista no Oriente Médio
PDT 12, 27 July 2019
Alcançar a paz no Oriente Médio a partir da promoção do diálogo. É com essa missão que o presidente nacional do PDT, Carlos Lupi, lidera a comitiva pedetista que participará de duas reuniões realizadas pela da Internacional Socialista (IE), na próxima terça-feira (30), em Ramallah (Palestina), e na quarta (31), em Tel Aviv (Israel)... Read more
PDT se une à Internacional Socialista em luta pela paz no Oriente Médio
PDT, 3 August 2019
“Volto do Encontro da Internacional Socialista com a certeza de que foi muito produtivo”, afirma o presidente nacional do PDT, Carlos Lupi, ao avaliar os dois dias de encontro do organismo, realizando na última segunda-feira (30) e na terça-feira (31), em Ramallah, na Palestina, e Tel-Aviv (Israel)... Read more
PA premier: Without a two-state solution, Israel will suffer ‘demographic death’
The Times of Israel, 31 July 2019
Mohammad Shtayyeh says Palestinians are majority between Jordan River and Mediterranean for 1st time since 1948; slams US envoy’s comments on Palestinian rights; hosts Meretz group. If a two-state solution is not achieved, Israel will suffer “demographic death” and will not be able to exist as a democratic state, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh said on Tuesday... Read more
Socialist International Reaffirms Right Of Palestinians To Self-Determination
Days of Palestine, 1 August 2019
The Socialist International (SI) reaffirmed after two days of meetings in Ramallah and in Tel Aviv the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and an independent state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. It also called in its final statement on all states for immediate and unconditional recognition of the State of Palestine... Read more
Shtayyeh de l’AP : Sans solution à 2 Etats, Israël mourra « démographiquement »
The Times of Israel, 30 July 2019
Le Premier ministre de l'AP Mohammad Shtayyeh s'en prend à l'envoyé américain Greenblatt pour ses commentaires au Conseil de sécurité, et rencontre la délégation Meretz à Ramallah. Si une solution à deux Etats n’est pas trouvée, Israël connaîtra une « mort démographique » et ne pourra pas exister en tant qu’Etat démocratique, a déclaré mardi le Premier ministre palestinien Mohammad Shtayyeh... Read more
Premier at Socialist International conference in Ramallah: US administration is stupid
RAMALLAH, Tuesday, July 30, 2019 (WAFA) - Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh described, during the annual conference of Socialist International (SI) hosted this year by the State of Palestine, the administration of US President Donald Trump as "stupid" stressing that Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is not a partner in peace... Read more
Newspapers review: President’s remarks during Socialist International meeting
RAMALLAH, Wednesday, July 31, 2019 (WAFA) – President Mahmoud Abbas’ remarks during a meeting with a Socialist International delegation in Ramallah dominated the front page headlines in Wednesday’s issue of the three Palestinian Arabic dailies... Read more
Shtayyeh Says Netanyahu Not a Partner in Peace
Asharq Al-Awsat, 31 July 2019
Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh has said that Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu “is not a partner in peace.” In a speech at the annual conference of Socialist International (SI) hosted this year by Palestine in Ramallah, Shtayyeh slammed Netanyahu and the administration of US President Donald Trump, accusing them of destroying the two-state solution... Read more
Reunión de la IS sobre la solución de los dos Estados, Israel y Palestina, 8 August 2019
En conformidad con el compromiso asumido desde hace ya tiempo por la Internacional Socialista en favor de la paz en el Oriente Medio y su decisión de intensificar sus esfuerzos en apoyo a la solución de dos estados, a través de la cual Israel y Palestina puedan convivir uno al lado del otro como dos estados soberanos, la Internacional Socialista celebró una reunión de dos días con una sesión en Ramallah el 30 de julio y otra sesión en Tel Aviv el día 31... Read more
Israël “contraint à la solution à deux Etats”? (PM palestinien)
i24 News, 30 July 2019
“Israël subira une mort démographique si une solution à deux États n’est pas trouvée et ne pourra plus exister en tant qu’État démocratique”, a déclaré mardi le Premier ministre de l’Autorité palestinienne, Mohammad Shtayyeh... Read more
Primer ministro palestino dice que el gobierno de Trump es "estúpido" y advierte que Israel sufrirá una "muerte demográfica"
Aurora, 30 July 2019
El primer ministro palestino, Mohammad Shtayyeh, habló recientemente en la conferencia de la Internacional Socialista celebrada en Ramallah y se refirió al estátus actual del conflicto palestino-israelí... Read more
Asiedu Nketia Leads Delegation To Israel For Socialist International Annual Conference
Peace FM, 30 July 2019
The General Secretary of the main opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Hon. Johnson Asiedu Nketia has led a three-man party delegation to attend the annual conference of the Socialist International in Tel Aviv, Israel... Read more
Conflit Israélo-Palestinien: Lugi Gizenga fait parler l’expérience du Palu à la réunion de l’International Socialiste à Ramallah, 8 August 2019
Le Secrétaire Général et Chef du Parti Lumumbiste Unifié(Palu) a participé à la dernière réunion de l’International socialiste autour du processus de paix Israélo-palestinien tenue et à Ramallah en Palestine. Dans ses interventions, il a appuyé comme de nombreux autres participants, la solution tendant à la création de deux Etats vivant en paix, c’est-à-dire Israël et Palestine... Read more