Deep concern for stability and human rights in north-eastern Syria

9 October 2019

The SI is deeply concerned by the potential implications of unilateral Turkish military action in north-eastern Syria, which could have severe consequences for regional stability, human rights and the continuing fight against terrorism. Any escalation in fighting in the north east of Syria will mean further suffering and trauma, caused by increased violence and the potential displacement of hundreds of thousands of civilians living in the region. Humanitarian aid may be disrupted to those living in displaced people's camps, placing at most risk those who have already been forced to leave their homes and are dependent on this assistance.

The further destabilisation of the situation in Syria and potential revival of the terrorist group ISIS could be a grave consequence of any ill-considered military action in northern Syria. The premature withdrawal of coalition forces from north-eastern Syria leaves Kurdish and other forces in the region, who have spent several years on the front line of the fight against terrorism, vulnerable to a resurgence by ISIS.

The Socialist International reiterates its firm support for the Syrian Kurds, who have been on the frontline against terrorism in that country and have provided a hospitable environment for refugees and internally displaced persons. The international community must not abandon the Kurds in Syria and the Syrian Democratic Forces, 11,000 of whom have given their lives fighting ISIS. 

The delicate situation in the north east of Syria requires restraint to be shown by all sides if an escalation in violence, increased bloodshed and a human rights disaster are to be avoided.







SI expresses concern over the situation in north-eastern Syria

UNI India, 10 October 2019
London, Oct 10 (UNI) The Socialist International (SI) has said that "unilateral" Tyurkish military action in north-eastern Syria can have severe consequences for regional stabilty, human rights and the continuing fight against terrorism. In a statement on Wednesday, the SI said it is deeply concerned by the potential implications of unilateral turkish military action... Read more


Sosyalist Enternasyonal saldırıların sonuçlarına karşı uyardı

ANF News, 10 October 2019
Avrupa’daki sol ve merkez sol partileri bünyesinde barındıran Sosyalist Enternasyonal tarafından yayınlanan basın açıklamasında, Türkiye’nin Kuzey ve Doğu Suriye’ye yönelik işgal saldırılarının yol açacağı ağır sonuçlardan duyulan ‘endişe’ paylaşıldı... Read more


SI expresses concern over situation in north-eastern Syria

PEN News, 10 October 2019
London, Oct 10 : The Socialist International (SI) has said that "unilateral" Turkish military action in north-eastern Syria can have severe consequences for regional stability, human rights and the continuing fight against terrorism... Read more