SI calls for release of CDPA leader in Togo

Brigitte Kafui Adjamagbo-JohnsonBrigitte Kafui Adjamagbo-Johnson

3 December 2020

The Socialist International (SI) strongly condemns the arrest of Brigitte Kafui Adjamagbo-Johnson, Secretary General of the SI member party in Togo, the Democratic Convention of African Peoples, (CDPA), currently heading the coalition group Dynamique Monseigneur Kpodrzo (DMK), and of Gérard Yaovi Djossou, DMK member who chairs the committee for social affairs and human rights. The SI demands their immediate and unconditional release.

The DMK had called for a peaceful demonstration in protest at the failure of the government to recognise the victory of the DMK in the elections held earlier this year, a regime which for over fifty years has been in the hands of one family.

On 27 November, Gérard Yaovi Djossou was taken from the street in Hanoukopé, Lomé, after meeting ambassadors from France, Germany, United States, the European Union, and the United Nations Development Program. He was reportedly badly beaten and endured many hours of interrogation, handcuffed and without access to his lawyer. On 28 November, Brigitte Kafui Adjamagbo-Johnson attempted to visit Yaovi Djossou but was detained by the Central Service of Research and Criminal Investigation (SCRIC), and her home then raided and searched. The SCRIC took documents, notebooks and computers. Adjamagbo-Johnson was subsequently arrested, and later charged with being involved in the ‘destabilisation of institutions’ in the country and attacking the internal security of the state.

The Socialist International denounces this political persecution and calls for international condemnation of the growing repression evident in Togo. Such aggressive measures are clearly designed to intimidate and silence the opposition and are in this case entirely and blatantly baseless. The preceding years in Togo have seen multiple violations of human rights and arrests of opposition figures, including members of the DMK, as well as reports of the detention and torture of people taking part in peaceful protests.

It is extremely concerning that President Gnassingbé and his party, the Union for the Republic, have de-facto control over institutions such as the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI), and the Constitutional Court. They also have control of the National Assembly, and in May 2019 they adopted an amendment to the constitution that enabled Gnassingbé to run again in the next two elections.

Brigitte Kafui Adjamagbo-Johnson, who is also a lawyer, is dedicated to working for human rights in Togo and is the first woman to have stood as a candidate in the presidential elections in 2010. These groundless charges against her and her colleague must be immediately dropped, and full access to their legal representation must be given.  

The Socialist International reaffirms its full solidarity with Brigitte Kafui Adjamagbo-Johnson and Gérard Yaovi Djossou, with the CDPA, and with all those in Togo who are struggling for their rights, their freedoms, and for democracy.


Letter of Thanks from the CDPA on the conditional release of Brigitte Kafui Adjamagbo-Johnson



Press coverage:

La Internacional Socialista demanda la liberación de la líder del CDPA en Togo

Nuevos Papeles, 4 December 2020

La Internacional Socialista (IS) condena enérgicamente el arresto de Brigitte Kafui Adjamagbo-Johnson, Secretaria General del partido miembro de la IS en Togo, la Convención Democrática de los Pueblos Africanos (CDPA), actualmente a la cabeza del grupo de coalición Dynamique Monseigneur Kpodrzo (DMK), y de Gérard Yaovi Djossou, miembro del DMK que preside el comité de asuntos sociales y derechos humanos. La IS demanda su inmediata e incondicional liberación... Read more



Togo: l’Internationale Socialiste dénonce la persécution politique

Togo Breaking News, 10 December 2020

L’arrestation et la détention de Brigitte Adjamagbo-Johnson et de Gérard Djossou continue de susciter indignation. Au Togo, les acteurs de l’opposition et de la société civile ont unanimement condamné cette entreprise du pouvoir de Faure Gnassingbé remettant en scelle la crise postélectorale. On en était là quand l’Internationale Socialiste réagit. L’organisation mondiale des partis sociaux-démocrates, socialistes et travaillistes dénonce une persécution politique et exige la libération de ses membres... Read more



Togo : l’affaire Adjamagbo-Djossou prend une tournure ‘internationale’

Global Actu, 10 December 2020

L’Internationale socialiste (IS) trouve ‘infondé’ le grief que la justice togolaise fait aux 2 responsables de la Dynamique Mgr Kpodzro (DMK). Pour cette entité qui réunit tous les partis politiques d’obédience socialiste dans le monde, il apparaît ‘clairement’ la main du pouvoir de Faure Gnassingbé derrière ces arrestations. L’IS dénonce une ‘persécution politique’ et appelle à une condamnation internationale d’une répression ‘visible’ au Togo... Read more