SI condemns bombings against Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan
19 October 2007
The Socialist International vigorously condemns the horrific bomb attacks targeted against Benazir Bhutto upon her return to Pakistan, which resulted in the deaths of more than a hundred people and the wounding of many more in Karachi.
The International extends its deepest sympathy to the people of Pakistan and especially to the families of all those killed and injured in this despicable act.
Benazir Bhutto returned to Pakistan declaring her goals of establishing a democratic rule of law so that the military can return to the barracks; building democratic governance that treats all citizens and especially women with full and equal rights; and ensuring transparent, accountable rule that addresses the social and economic needs of the people as its highest priority.
The International fully supports her efforts, and the work of our member, the Pakistan People's Party which she leads, in achieving these goals, and reaffirms its solidarity with them and with all those in Pakistan who share these objectives and continue to act with courage and determination in the face of such criminal violence.
19 October 2007