SI condemns military coup in Mali
19 August 2020
The Socialist International strongly condemns the mutinous actions taken by members of the Malian armed forces yesterday, as they detained the democratically elected leaders of the country and subsequently forced the resignation of President Ibrahmim Boubacar Keita.
The SI will never accept the overturning of democratic election results by force. It urges the immediate and unconditional release of all the detained members of the Malian government and the return of the democratic and constitutional order in the country. This illegal action will only serve to exacerbate the current political crisis in Mali. The only viable way forward is for all parties to engage in the ongoing process of mediation and reconciliation, as the Malian government has shown willingness to do.
President Keita, of the SI-member RPM, has been a longstanding champion of the values of social democracy who has put these principles into practice in office. Under his leadership, advances have been made in peace and reconciliation with rebel groups, strengthening security forces in the fight against terrorism and improving the living conditions of all Malians. It is therefore a grave concern that this illegitimate action will seriously compromise stability and hinder efforts in Mali and the Sahel region to address the concurrent challenges of terrorism, human trafficking and transnational organised crime.
The SI urges the continued support of Mali's international and regional partners for the democratic and constitutional order in that country. It is imperative that civilian rule is restored to Mali as soon as possible and that its democratically elected leaders can once more take up their roles. During these developments, the Socialist International Secretary General has kept in close touch with the President of the RPM in Mali and Chair of the SI Africa Committee, Bokary Treta. The SI stands in solidarity with President Keita and his government, its member parties in Mali, RPM and ADEMA-PASJ, and the Malian people at this challenging time for democracy in that country.
Press coverage:
La Internacional Socialista condena golpe militar en Malí
Nuevos Papeles, 19 August 2020
La Internacional Socialista condena enérgicamente el motín de miembros de las fuerzas armadas de Malí, que han detenido a los líderes del país elegidos democráticamente y que luego han forzado la renuncia del Presidente Ibrahim Boubacar Keita... Read more
La Junte face à l'opinion nationale et internationale, 20 August 2020
Avant-hier mardi, alors que le M5-RFP entendait intensifier son mouvement de contestation par différentes actions, l’Armée a décidé de prendre sa responsabilité devant le Peuple et devant l’Histoire, en déposant le Président IBK et son régime. Un acte qui a donné lieu à des réactions en chaîne. Nous vous livrons celles que nous avons pu réunir pour vous... Read more