Socialist International deeply concerned about situation in Haiti
20 February 2004
The Socialist International is deeply concerned about the further deterioration of the situation in Haiti and the mounting violence in that country, a matter which was addressed at the recent SI Council meeting in Madrid, which included the participation of leaders of the democratic opposition in Haiti.
The International has long worked for democratisation and social justice for all Haitian citizens and today strongly calls on President Aristide to act in the interest of the country and of its people, respecting their right to security, political freedom and peaceful expression.
The International is closely following the diplomatic efforts currently underway in response to the crisis and will support initiatives that can achieve a peaceful and a democratic resolution. In this regard, the Council of the Socialist International decided to send a mission to Haiti, which will be carried out at the earliest opportunity.
The International reaffirms its full solidarity with its member parties in Haiti who are today operating under very difficult conditions, KONAKOM, PANPRA, and the OPL, and will continue to back their efforts to achieve democracy and respect for human rights in the country.