Statement on Guatemala
19 May 2009
The Socialist International, having learnt with grave concern the events which have shaken Guatemala these past days:
Declares its full support for the government of Guatemala, its political institutions and democracy in that country, all of which are the result of the efforts and sacrifices made by many during the decades in which violence, authoritarian rule and conflict left deep marks on generations of Guatemalans.
Calls on all citizens of that country, on its political, social and non-governmental organisations to respect the institutional and legal framework of the Guatemalan state in establishing the facts which are today at the heart of the concerns of all the citizens of Guatemala.
Recognises the will and the firm decision of the Guatemalan government in undertaking a thorough investigation of the facts, and to do so together with the International Commission against impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), thus strengthening the rule of law and ensuring the integrity of the democratic institutions in the country.
Hopes that the current situation can be overcome as soon as possible, without any attempt to destabilise or disrupt peace in society, which is a sign of a past that Guatemala has already left behind, so that the country can resume its agenda for social reform, eliminating poverty and ending violence and criminality.