The integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine must be respected
22 February 2022
The Socialist International is gravely concerned that Russia has chosen to ignore the path of dialogue, diplomacy and negotiation which the international community, including our International, has strongly advocated. Instead, Russia yesterday chose to unilaterally recognise Donetsk and Luhansk as independent republics and has sent tanks and troops to these areas of Ukraine.
This act is a violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, which we firmly condemn. This action by Russia, which opens a dangerous new juncture, brings with it an escalation of tensions that will benefit no one.
In line with our strong convictions, the role of multilateralism is key to solving disputes and conflicts, and therefore last week we supported and called on all parties involved to seek a resolution to differences through diplomatic means, respecting international law and international borders. The Secretary General of the United Nations has expressed concern over the latest move by Russia, as a "violation" and "inconsistent with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations", a position the Socialist International fully shares.
Our International will continue to closely follow the situation on the ground and remain engaged in support of the people of Ukraine and of a peaceful resolution.