Shaping globalisation also means influencing global developments more politically and democratically.
The participation of political parties and parliamentarians is essential in global political decision-making processes.
This requires concrete actions and measures:
1. Participation of parliamentarians
1.1 On a global level today, parliamentarians cooperate in the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU). The IPU has to have more institutionalised authority within the United Nations system. The Socialist International considers the strengthening of a global parliamentary dimension essential to the international decision-making processes in the 21st century and invites the IPU and the UN to advance with concrete initiatives in this sense.
1.2 Parliamentarians should participate in delegations of UN member states to UN Conferences.
2. Participation of political parties
International organisations of parties should have a special status in the United Nations system, different from NGO status.
3. The Socialist International:
• Will hold meetings in connection with the UN General Assembly and other Global Conferences.
• Will establish a Committee on the UN.