SIW Resolution

SI Council in Rabat, Morocco, 20-22 December 2024

20-22 December 2024


The Socialist International Women (SIW), meeting in Council in Rabat on December 19, 2024, 

Recognizing that gender equality is a prerequisite for sustainable development, peace and social justice, and reaffirming the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Beijing Platform for Action,

Alarmed by the setbacks and persistent challenges faced by women, especially in regions in conflict, humanitarian crises and under authoritarian regimes,

Aware that women continue to face significant structural barriers that limit their full participation in political, economic and social life, and that their empowerment is critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030,

Stressing that almost three decades after the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, it is a unique global moment for gender justice and a progressive and inclusive rights agenda, based on recognizing the progress made, including increased levels of parliamentary representation and legal reforms in favor of women's rights,

Adopts the following resolution:

1. Declaration of principles

SIW recognizes that the progress of women is fundamental not only to their countries, but also to the international community, and reiterates its commitment to work in solidarity with their struggles and aspirations.

SIW reaffirms its commitment to the Beijing Platform for Action and calls on Governments, multilateral Institutions and civil society to redouble efforts to address persistent challenges in the fight for gender equality.

2. Call to Action for Women's Empowerment

SIW calls on Governments and Institutions at all levels to prioritize the elimination of all forms of legal discrimination against women, ensuring their access to education, employment and justice. SIW urges countries to implement effective gender quotas and support mechanisms to ensure that women hold at least 35% of seats in parliaments and leadership positions and take action to move towards equality by 2030. 

SIW calls for the creation of comprehensive protection systems, including safe havens, support lines and cultural awareness campaigns. SIW recommends establishing regional programs that promote women's access to technology, STEM education, and digital entrepreneurship as tools for economic autonomy.

3. Strengthening the Beijing +30 agenda

SIW calls on States to develop concrete and transparent indicators to measure progress in the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action. SIW urges governments to allocate at least 5% of GDP to education and health, with a specific focus on girls and women.

SIW calls on the international community to redouble its financial and technical support to ensure that women in crisis contexts, such as conflict and natural disasters, are not left behind.

4. A bold approach to the future

Not going backwards and accelerating the pace towards achieving the full participation of women, in conditions of equality, in all areas of social activity becomes a priority challenge. SIW calls on governments to adopt feminist diplomacy that prioritizes gender equality in their foreign policies and multilateral agreements.

SIW recognizes the disproportionate impact of climate change on women and call for them to be included as leaders in mitigation and adaptation strategies.

SIW works for a culture of peace and security where war, armed conflict and citizen insecurity are legacy of the past, to achieve this goal it is necessary to increase the full, equal and meaningful participation of women in peacemaking, conflict prevention and peacebuilding efforts. Despite UN Security Council resolution 1325, it remains a challenge to include more women.

5. Concrete commitments

At this historic moment fraught with change and crisis, SIW calls on governments, multilateral organizations, civil society and the private sector to galvanize political will and mobilise people to come together in a collective and bold effort to ensure that women around the world can reach their full potential by 2030.

SIW reiterates its commitment to continue working to drive structural transformations of our societies, because gender equality is more than a fundamental human right, it is one of the essential foundations for building a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

