Victory for Angola

The Socialist International celebrates the success of President João Lourenço who was re-elected in Angola’s recent presidential elections, heralding a great victory for the Angolan people and the future of the country.
The SI was pleased to join the President and the MPLA in Luanda for the elections, along with other international observers including representatives from the African Union, former heads of state and government, and many others from political parties and organisations worldwide.
During proceedings, SI Secretary General Luis Ayala noted the efficiency and transparency of the electoral process, which underscores the effective democratic advancements that have been made in Angola under the leadership of President Lourenço and the MPLA.
The election results undoubtedly emphasise the strong will of the Angolan people to continue the path of social democracy, human rights and freedoms, and the SI warmly congratulates President João Lourenço, members of the MPLA, and all the Angolan people on their victory and success.

Press coverage:
General Elections: Observers “impressed” by the smoothness of the process
Africa Press, 23 August 2022
Africa-Press – Angola. The secretary general of the Socialist International, Luís Ayala, said he was “impressed by the way Angola has taken up the challenge of democracy, in a process that involves the participation of all political forces, including men and women”.... Read more
Eleições Gerais: Observadores “impressionados” com a lisura do processo
Jornal de Angola, 23 August 2022
O secretário-geral da Internacional Socialista, Luís Ayala, disse estar "impressionado pela forma como Angola assumiu o desafio da Democracia, num processo que envolve a participação de todas as forças políticas, incluindo homens e mulheres"... Read more
Figuras da política internacional entre os observadores internacionais
Expanseao, 23 August 2022
Fazem parte das comissões de observadores internacionais às eleições gerais deste ano a União Europeia (UE), Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP), União Africana, Comunidade de Desenvolvimento da África Austral (SADC) e Centro Carter dos EUA... Read more