Socialist International
Luis Ayala (Secretary General)
Brazil, Democratic Labour Party, PDT
Carlos Roberto Lupi (Minister of Labour and Employment, President of the PDT)
Carlos Eduardo Vieira da Cunha (Vice-President of the SI)
Romildo Bolzan Jr (President of the PDT in the State of Rio Grande do Sul)
José Fortunati (Mayor of Porto Alegre)
Antonio de Padua Ferreira da Silva
Márcio Bins Ely
Eunice Cabral
Sirlei Soalheiro
Gerson Burmann
Salete Roszkowski
Luiz Martins
Maria Eugenia Steyer
Mauro Zacher
Leonor da Costa
Julio César Chaise
Milton Gerson
Ney Ortiz Borges
Governor of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (PT)
Tarso Genro
President of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (PT)
Adão Villaverde
Chile, Party for Democracy, PPD
Harold Correa
Costa Rica, National Liberation Party, PLN
Omar Rojas Donato
Dominican Republic, Dominican Revolutionary Party, PRD
Jorge Amado Méndez
France, Socialist Party, PS
Jean-Jacques Kourliandsky
Greece, Panhellenic Socialist Movement, PASOK
Paulina Lampsa
Konstantinos Foutzopoulos
Mexico, Party of Democratic Revolution, PRD
Cuauhtémoc Sandoval
Mirtha Pastrana Uranga
Mexico, Institutional Revolutionary Party, PRI
Celso Humberto Delgado
Laura Ocampo
Georgina Trujillo
Nicaragua, Sandinista National Liberation Front, FSLN
Francisco Rosales
Margarita Zapata
Panama, Democratic Revolutionary Party, PRD
Martín Torrijos (Chair of the Committee)
Nils Castro
Tuira Torrijos
Paraguay, Progressive Democratic Party, PDP
Rafael Filizzola
Edgar Gimenez
Soledad Cardozo
Spain, Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party, PSOE
Daniel Yates
Sweden, Swedish Social Democratic Party, SAP
Anna Ström
Uruguay, Socialist Party of Uruguay, PSU
Manuel Laguarda (SI Vice-President)
Venezuela, Democratic Action, AD
Henry Ramos
Luis Aquiles Moreno
Mauricio Poler
Adolfo Padrón
Rafael Martínez Nestares
Guillermo Miguelena
Oscar Ronderos
Edgar Zambrano
Venezuela, Movement to Socialism, MAS
Leopoldo Puchi
Jorge Mirabal
Socialist International Women, SIW
Miguelina Vecchio
Secretariat of the Socialist International
Latifa Perry
Gabriela Shepherd
Claudio Herrera
Carolina Zenteno
Venezuela, Un Nuevo Tiempo, UNT
Omar Barboza
Timoteo Zambrano