Original: Spanish
The Socialist International Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean, meeting in La Antigua Guatemala on 23-24 March, considering the importance of the next Summit of the Americas which will take place in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, on 18-19 April 2009,
To call on the Latin American and Caribbean Heads of State and Government taking part in the Summit to advance a new dialogue and a new relationship with the United States, in a pro-active and constructive manner, based on the real interests of the nations and peoples of the region, consistent with their sovereignty and self-determination. This dialogue must include, in the first place, proposals for solutions to the world economic crisis, the energy crisis, the food crisis and climate change, as well as the embargo on Cuba and the annulment of the decision made in 1962 to exclude this country from the Organisation of American States, OAS.
Equally, the necessary democratic solution to the questions emanating from colonialism and the Cold War, as is the case of the status of the Latin American and Caribbean nation of Puerto Rico, to be examined by the UN General Assembly in accordance with the decision of the Special Committee on Decolonization of that organisation, and to seek a negotiated solution to the status of the Falkland Islands.