Making clear our support for and solidarity with the Colombian people in their search for peace
That the Socialist International has always been committed to the processes of dialogue and peace in the world, and has actively supported Colombia since March 1990, during the demobilisation of the guerrilla grouping M19 and the conclusion of an agreement with the Government of Colombia, in which the presence of a Commission from the Socialist International helped to foster a climate of trust and monitor the surrender and destruction of the weapons of the guerrilla group;
That ever since the meeting of this Committee in Bogota, Colombia in October 1999, and the XXI Congress of the Socialist International held in November of the same year in Paris, France, the Socialist International has expressed its solidarity and its willingness to contribute further to the peace process in Colombia;
That at the different meetings of the Socialist International its member parties have expressed their concern that the current Peace Process in Colombia be consolidated, and that this internal conflict might be overcome through the dialogue and negotiation currently taking place;
On the basis of the above, within the framework of the Socialist International Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean, meeting in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, THE FOLLOWING IS AGREED:
ARTICLE ONE: The organisation expresses is unequivocal solidarity with the Colombian people in their search for peace and the final resolution of the internal armed conflict that has persisted for 50 years.
ARTICLE TWO: It supports the Colombian Government in its commitment to the Peace Process and its initiative for dialogue with the guerrilla group FARC in Havana, Cuba, and expresses its hope that these talks result in a stable and lasting Peace Agreement.
ARTICLE THREE: It invites the guerrilla group ELN to follow the path of FARC of dialogue that will allow them to lay down their arms and join in the Havana process, or initiate an independent process.
Therefore, the Socialist International and its member parties meeting in Cartagena de Indias, through this call to Peace in Colombia and support for the resolution of conflicts by means of dialogue and political agreement, in accord with the precepts of solidarity, equality and fraternity that govern our member parties, AGREE:
To create and set up the SOCIALIST INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION TO MONITOR THE PEACE PROCESS IN COLOMBIA and calls for a meeting with the Government of the Republic of Colombia, with the aim of actively taking forward the peace process within the framework of the Agreements that the Government of Colombia is currently negotiating with the FARC-‐EP, in Havana, Cuba.