Original: Spanish
The Socialist International Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean, meeting in Montevideo on 17-18 May 2018:
1.- Recalls the Socialist International declaration issued on 23 April 2018 regarding the situation in Nicaragua;
2.- Reiterates its consternation at the loss of so many lives and deplores the violence used against the demonstrators over the past few weeks;
3.- Affirms that it is only through democracy and the full respect of all freedoms and rights of its citizens, that Nicaragua will be able to advance towards a future of co-existence, social peace and progress for all;
4.- Demands an impartial and objective investigation into the deaths that have occurred during the incidents of these past weeks in order to clarify the facts and establish the corresponding responsibilities;
5.- The Committee will closely follow the dialogue underway between the parties to the conflict, recognising that this is the only possible and appropriate way forward to find a peaceful solution to the current crisis.