Original: Spanish
The Socialist International Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean, SICLAC, meeting in Santiago on 30-31 May 1997:
Urges the delegations from the United Nations member States and from the indigenous peoples of the world to renew their efforts to adopt a text agreed by consensus by member States and the indigenous peoples, during the current year's sessions of the Intersessional Group of the Commission for Human Rights, which was set up in order to work out a draft International Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples;
Urges that the Draft prepared for this purpose, submitted by the Subcommission for Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, be taken as the basis for such discussions;
Urges the member States of the United Nations to establish or strengthen the mechanisms of dialogue with the indigenous peoples of their countries, with the aim of providing the necessary agreement for the adoption by consensus of this Draft Declaration;
Urges the other bodies of the United Nations to contribute in their own fields to a speedy resolution of this process which has at its disposal fifteen years of valuable discussions and contributions towards the evolution of international law and the improvement of mechanisms for protecting and promoting human rights and in which the indigenous peoples of the world have played the main role;
Urges other bodies, institutions, nongovernmental organisations and national and international figures to make their contribution and offer their abilities to give their support for the early adoption by consensus by the United Nations of an International Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples of the World during the current International Decade of Indigenous Peoples;
Urges the member States of the United Nations and the General Assembly and competent bodies to set up a budget for the expansion of the International Decade's activities, or to make bigger payments to the Voluntary Fund for the Decade set up by a Resolution of the General Assembly itself.