Socialist International
Luis Ayala (Secretary General)
Argentina, Socialist Party, PS
Rubén Giustiniani
Hermes Binner
Juan Carlos Zabalza
María del Carmen Viñas
Carlos Roberto
Héctor Polino
Estela Molero
Verónica Gómez
Alejandra Garavano
Eduardo Siri
Miguel Barrios
Alicia Ciciliani
Ricardo Cuccovillo
Mónica Fein
Lisandro Viale
Argentina, Radical Civic Union, UCR
Ernesto Sanz
Jesús Rodríguez
Angel Rozas
Carlos Becerra
Gerardo Morales
Miguel Bazze
Mabel Bianco
Ricardo Alfonsín
Hipólito Solari Yrigoyen
Mario Negri
Roberto Villambrosa
Alicia Tate
Silvana Giudici
Federico Storini
Marcelo Stubrin
Mario Scholz
Armenia, Armenian Socialist Party, ARF
Mario Nalpatián
Jorge Dolmadjian
Brazil, Democratic Labour Party, PDT
Carlos Vieira da Cunha (Vice-President of the SI)
Márcio Bins Ely
Chile, Party for Democracy, PPD
Sergio Bitar
Chile, Radical Social Democratic Party, PRSD
Ernesto Velasco
Rodolfo Baier
Raúl Rivera
Adrián Rivera
Colombia, Liberal Party of Colombia, PLC
Alfonso Gómez Méndez (Vice-President of the SI)
Alfonso López Caballero
Iván Marulanda
Dominician Republic, Dominican Revolutionary Party, PRD
Tony Raful
Amable Padilla
Amanda Cabral
Adolfo Roca
Ecuador, Democratic Left Party, PID
Fabián Izurieta
France, Socialist Party, PS
Jean-Jacques Kourliandsky
Germany, Social Democratic Party of Germany, SPD
Achim Wachendorfer
Greece, Panhellenic Socialist Movement, PASOK
Paulina Lampsa
Philippos Savvides
Guatemala, National Union for Hope, UNE
Fernando González
Haiti, Union of Haitian Social Democrats
Victor Benoit (Vice-President of the SI)
Jessie Benoit
Italy, Democrats of the Left, DS
Francesca D’Ulisse
Mexico, Party of Democratic Revolution, PRD
Saúl Escobar Toledo
Cuauhtémoc Sandoval
Mexico, Institiutional Revolutionary Party, PRI
Celso Humberto Delgado
Rodolfo Becerril
Eulalia Silva
Gerardo Larrauri
Palestine, Fatah
Gustavo Rohana
Panama, Democratic Revolutionary Party, PRD
Martín Torrijos (Chair of the Committee)
Leonardo Kam
Nils Castro
Vivian Fernández
Paraguay, ‘País Solidario’ Party
María Teresa Ferreira Escobar
Peru, Peruvian Aprista Party, PAP
Carlos Roca
Fernando Barrios Ipenza
Judith de la Mata
Jorge Pineda
Pedro Rojas
Abad Castro
Puerto Rico, Puerto Rican Independence Party, PIP
Fernando Martín
Spain, Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party, PSOE
Juan Moscoso del Prado
José Antonio Espejo
Rosa Sivianes
Sweden, Swedish Social Democratic Party, SAP
Martin Sandgren
Uruguay, New Space, NE
Rafael Michelini
Uruguay, Socialist Party of Uruguay, PSU
Manuel Laguarda (SI Vice-President)
Venezuela, Democratic Action, AD
Henry Ramos Allup
Luis Achiles Moreno