Original: Spanish
The Socialist International Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean, meeting in Managua, Nicaragua, on 9-10 October 2006, having received the report of the delegates from the SI Mexican member parties, PRD and PRI, on the political situation in Mexico,
1. Expresses its concern at the tense and difficult political situation in Mexico following the presidential and legislative elections held on 2 July 2006, which have been the source of different and various protests by citizens and widespread dissatisfaction in many sectors of Mexican society in relation to the reported irregularities in the elections.
2. Supports the proposals of the parliamentary groups of the PRD and PRI concerning the Federal Budget for 2007 aimed at fighting the serious social and economic inequality which affects half the Mexican population, which lives either in a state of poverty or extreme poverty, as a result of neoliberal economic policies.
3. Welcomes the holding of the National Assembly of the PRI in March 2007, which will allow the party to renew the highest authorities of its leadership body.
4. Welcomes the forming of the Frente Amplio Progresista (Broad Progressive Front), made up of the PRD, PT and Convergence, as well as the holding of the Second Assembly of the National Democratic Convention on 20 November.
5. Adds its voice to that of the Mexican political parties in condemning the decision of the United States Congress to build a double wall for more than 1,200 kms along the Mexican-United States border, which is insulting and offensive to the Mexican nation.