Original: Spanish
The Socialist International Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean, meeting in Managua, Nicaragua, on 9-10 October 2006, expresses its concern at the marked social deterioration in the Dominican Republic, which is manifest today in the climate of citizen insecurity in which this Caribbean country finds itself.
Therefore, the Committee urges the President of this nation, Dr Leonel Fernández, to put in place a package of measures capable of restoring harmony and trust among the sectors of the civilian population which are the cornerstone of the nation.
With regard to the forthcoming formation of the Central Electoral Board in that country, the Committee asks and hopes that this will be built on consensus with all political organisations and independent sectors of civil society, in order to ensure its trustworthiness and a transparent electoral process.
Furthermore, the Socialist International reiterates its solidarity with the Dominican Revolutionary Party, PRD, in its efforts to hold an election convention to nominate the party's presidential candidate at the beginning of 2008, to which the SI will send a delegation in support.