List of participants

Virtual meeting of the SI Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean

12 December 2020


Socialist International

Luis Ayala (Secretary General)


President of the SI Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean

Miguel Vargas (PRD, Dominican Republic)


Argentina, Radical Civic Union, UCR

Jesús Rodríguez (Vice-President of the SI)

Alejandra Lorden
Santiago A. Mascheroni
Lilia Puig de Stubrín


Bolivia, National Unity, UN

Jaime Navarro Tardío
Francisco Aramayo
Claudia Condori


Brazil, Democratic Labour Party, PDT

Carlos Lupi (Vice-President of the SI)

Miguelina Vecchio
Juana Brizola
Márcio Bins Ely


Chile, Party for Democracy, PPD

Marta Maurás
Ximena Rivillo
Claudio Vásquez


Chile, Radical Party, PR

Carlos Maldonado Curti
Ricardo Navarrete
Carlos Parra


Chile, Socialist Party, PS

Isabel Allende (Vice-President of the SI)

Álvaro Elizalde
Paulina Vodanovic
José Jara


Colombia, Liberal Party of Colombia, PLC

Miguel Ángel Sánchez
Jairo Carrillo


Costa Rica, National Liberation Party, PLN

Bernal Jiménez (Vice-President of the SI)

Saúl Weisleder


Dominican Republic, Dominican Revolutionary Party, PRD

Peggy Cabral
Junior Santos
Rafael Vásquez
Ramón Sánchez
Janet Camilo
Héctor Guzmán
Juan Carlos Guerra


Guatemala, National Unity for Hope, UNE

Nadia de León Torres


Haiti, Social Democratic Assembly for the Progress of Haiti, RSD

Víctor Benoit (Vice-President of the SI)

Javeline Saint-Albord
Sifrant Michel
Marie Chantal Ociel


Haiti, Union of Haitian Social Democrats, Fusion SD

Edmonde Supplice Beauzile
Rosemond Pradel
Alix Richard
Euguy Sainvil 
Moise Durocher


Mexico, Institutional Revolutionary Party, PRI

Elsa Espinoza (Vice-President of the SI)

José Murat
Sofia Carvajal


Panama, Democratic Revolutionary Party, PRD

Pedro Miguel González
Héctor Alemán
José De la Rosa Castillo


Paraguay, Progressive Democratic Party, PDP

Rafael Filizzola
Edgar Giménez


Peru, Peruvian Aprista Party, PAP

Mauricio Mulder Bedoya
Gerardo Morris Abarca
Nidia Vilchez Yucra
Carla García Buscaglia


Puerto Rico, Puerto Rican Independence Party, PIP

Juan Dalmau


Uruguay, New Space, NE

Rafael Michelini (Vice-President of the SI)


Venezuela, Democratic Action, AD

Henry Ramos (Vice-President of the SI)


Venezuela, A New Era, UNT

Manuel Rosales


Venezuela, Popular Will, VP

Leopoldo López
Isadora Zubillaga
Olivia Lozano
Tamara Adrián



Ecuador, Democratic Left, ID

Guillermo Herrera Villareal 
Wilma Andrade Muñoz 
Diego Andrade 
Pablo Morales 
Verónica Carrillo


SI Secretariat

Latifa Perry
Heloise Crowther
Claudio Herrera