Original: Spanish
The Socialist International Mediterranean Committee, gathering in Toledo, a meeting-point of cultures, on 9-10 May 2003, at a crucial moment for the entire international community after the illegal, illegitimate and unjust war in Iraq,
- Notes that the Mediterranean is today at the centre of the world crisis and the place where the main challenges faced by the international community are occurring: security, peace and war, the threat of a clash of civilisations, regionalisation processes, sustainable development, differences between men and women or the relationship between democracy and development.
- Reaffirms the need to recover the central role of international legality and, therefore, of the United Nations, as a guarantor of peace and security and of the resolution of conflicts between nations, particularly in the reconstruction of Iraq, where the occupying powers cannot undertake the administration of the country. Iraqi citizens must regain full sovereignty over Iraq and, above all, over their wealth.
- Considers that the post-war crisis that has arisen has brought to the fore the urgent need to reform international multilateral institutions, to ensure greater democracy, efficiency and transparency and to adapt them to the new realities and challenges of the 21st century. We must also recover the "Agenda of Hope", and promote the International Penal Court, the agreement on antipersonnel mines, the sustainable development of Johannesburg, etc.
- Values the unprecedented worldwide mobilisation of citizens, and particularly that of women, expressing their rejection of the war in Iraq, as well as the need to translate the great asset that a diverse public opinion represents from a cultural, religious and economic point of view on both shores of the Mediterranean in promoting and advancing Euro-Mediterranean cooperation.
- Notes that the Euro-Mediterranean process, launched in Barcelona in 1995, is the ideal model and the only way to promote political, economic and sociocultural cooperation in the region. A greater effort and will are required to make decisive progress in the specific implementation of the agreements. Promoting a formula midway between association and adhesion, as the European Commission has pointed out, could contribute towards this objective. Relations between both shores must be enriched and diversified, extending to civil society, businesses and NGOs.
The relationship between democracy and development must also be reinforced.
- Understands that the fight against terrorism, which is the greatest threat against freedom, human rights and democracy, must be based on a concept of global democratic security that includes fighting against illegal immigration mafias, organised crime, hunger, AIDS and pandemics. We do not accept the militarisation of the response to terrorism as an efficient and valid solution. Very much to the contrary, we must launch a debate on the need for disarmament, starting in our Mediterranean region. Certainly, the disarmament of only the Arab countries would be impossible and unsustainable.
- Expresses its profound satisfaction at the Quartet’s presentation of the roadmap, which is aimed at finding a definitive solution to the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians based on two States and which will lead to the creation, in 2005, of an independent Palestinian State, which is viable and democratic, living in peace and security with Israel and other neighbours.
The Plan must be implemented completely, with no reservations being put forward by either side.
Finally, the Committee trusts and appeals to the will and the determination of both sides to achieve peace.