Change of Status from Consultative to Full Members
ARUBA, People's Electoral Movement, MEP
BOLIVIA, Revolutionary Left Movement, MIR
CYPRUS, EDEK Socialist Party of Cyprus
HAITI, Revolutionary Progressive Nationalist Party, PANPRA
MOROCCO, Socialist Union of Popular Forces, USFP
PUERTO RICO, Puerto Rican Independence Party, PIP
Full Members
ARGENTINA, Popular Socialist Party, PSP
CZECH AND SLOVAK FEDERAL REPUBLIC, Social Democratic Party of Slovakia
ITALY, Democratic Party of the Left, PDS
Consultative Status
ALBANIA, Social Democratic Party of Albania, PSD
ALGERIA, Socialist Forces Front, FFS
CAPE VERDE, African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde, PAICV
CHILE, Party for Democracy, PPD
CHILE, Socialist Party of Chile, PS
COLOMBIA, Liberal Party
FIJI, Fiji Labour Party
HAITI, Party of the National Congress of Democratic Movements, KONAKOM
IVORY COAST, Ivory Coast Popular Front, FPI
MONGOLIA, Mongolian Social Democratic Party, MSDP
PHILIPPINES, Philippines Democratic Socialist Party, PDSP
ST KITTS-NEVIS, St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party
ST LUCIA, St. Lucia Labour Party, SLP
URUGUAY, Party for People's Government, PGP
Observer Status
BENIN, Democratic Union of Progressive Forces, UDFP
BENIN, Movement for Democracy and Social Progress, MDPS
CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC, Patriotic Progressive Front, FPP
COLOMBIA, M-l9 Democratic Alliance
HUNGARY, Hungarian Social Democratic Party, MSZDP
HUNGARY, Hungarian Socialist Party, MSZP
NICARAGUA, Sandinista National Liberation Front, FSLN
SLOVENIA, Social Democratic Party of Slovenia, SDSS
The Congress ceased the membership of
ST LUCIA, Progressive Labour Party of St Lucia
TURKEY, Democratic Left Party, DSP