Original: French
The Council of the Socialist International meeting in Brussels on 10-11 April 2000,
- Notes that a year after the investiture of the head of state, no major change is perceptible.
- No resolution of the crisis based on genuine objectives and long-term policies, and supported by concrete measures, has been proposed with a view to establishing peace, bringing about national reconciliation and promoting real democratisation.
- The social and political forces of the opposition have been marginalised and excluded. Their activities are hampered and the media are firmly closed to them.
- The political institutions are in abeyance and the civil service is paralysed.
- Indispensable economic reforms are halted and no sign of improvement or investment is perceptible.
- Large sectors of the population have been reduced to poverty, notably the middle classes.
- This situation can lead to a new outbreak of the violence which has already been experienced and only serves to encourage Islamic extremism, most notably the violence of irresponsible armed groups, the disastrous consequences of which the civilian population will only continue to suffer.
- The SI encourages the government and political parties to put into practice a genuine global, peaceful and political solution to the crisis, which is indispensable to the establishment of democracy, by way of truly democratic transition.
- The SI gives its full support to those forces which are struggling for peace and democracy in Algeria and in particular to its member party, the Socialist Forces Front, FFS.