Original: French
In response to the call of the Algerians who demand a political solution, which alone is capable of putting an end to a decade of bloody conflict, the Algerian government has merely organised a new electoral operation. This has suffered a massive boycott.
In practical terms, the principal aim of this election was to fill a political vacuum caused by an illegal state of emergency which suppresses all freedoms and to decorate once more the democratic façade of a regime that is protected by its absolute power, freedom from any control and lack of accountability.
In the light of the resolution it adopted in Lisbon, the Council of the Socialist International:
• calls on the Mediterranean Committee to implement this resolution and to follow the situation closely;
• decides to send a delegation to assist in the search for a political solution;
• calls on the Secretary-General of the United Nations to bring to the attention of the Security Council the massive and systematic violations of human rights in Algeria, and
• assures the Algerian people and its democratic forces, notably the Front of Socialist Forces, FFS, of its active solidarity.