Original: French
After ten years of a war behind closed doors against the civilian population, Algerians are at this moment peacefully demonstrating in the face of a bloody and ferocious repression.
- The SI condemns the use of force and terrorism against the people of Algeria who claim their right to greater freedom, more individual rights, justice, and progress towards democratic change.
- The SI endorses the urgent resolution adopted in Berlin by the Congress of the Party of European Socialists calling on the European Union to support at the UN, the request for an international commission of enquiry to be sent to investigate responsibility for the massacres.
- The SI supports the declaration made in Göteborg by Heads of European States condemning the bloody repression and calls on Algerian leaders to take a firm political initiative so that a peaceful and democratic solution to the crisis may be reached.
- The SI calls on the European Union to make the continuance of the negotiations on the Agreement of Association with Algeria conditional on the full respect for human rights and to encourage Javier Solana so that the full rights of civilians to protection and security are applied in Algeria.
- The SI requests its member parties, and their governments, to approach the UN Secretary General in relation to the following:
- sending an international commission of enquiry;
- sending a special representative of the UN Secretary-General;
- insisting, in spite of the refusal of those in power in Algeria, on the sending of special rapporteurs on torture, forced disappearances and violence against women;
- support the UN Secretary-General in bringing to the Security Council the question of the massive violations of human rights which, according to the UN Charter, constitute a threat to international peace and security.
- The SI extends its deepest sympathy to the families of all the victims. It also stresses its active solidarity with the people of Algeria and the democratic forces, especially the Socialist Forces Front, FFS.
- The SI entrusts its President and Secretary General with the task of transmitting to international institutions and governments the content of this resolution and to monitor its implementation.