Original: French
The Socialist International Council held its second ordinary annual meeting in Luanda, capital of Angola, on 27-‐28 November 2015, a year in which that country celebrates the 40th anniversary of the proclamation of national independence, after five centuries of colonial settlement.
Since its emergence, Angola has proved to be a steady hand in the struggle for the end of colonization in Africa, for the end of the racist and apartheid regime in South Africa, and an end to segregation in Namibia and Zimbabwe, a fact that led Angola to more than twenty years of fratricidal war with the participation of foreign armed forces and mercenaries that completely destroyed the country, disintegrated families and created irreparable trauma.
Wisely, Angolans achieved peace, and are currently promoting national reconciliation, the reconstruction of the infrastructure of the country, the mitigation of trauma and the recovery of the national economy while working for a truly democratic society based on the universal values of freedom, human rights and social justice.
The participants observed with affection that under the leadership of our member political party MPLA, Angola is making determined progress towards the consolidation of democracy and the rule of law based on respect for fundamental freedoms of citizens.
In this context, the participants in the second annual ordinary meeting of the Socialist International Council encourage MPLA and its leader, José Eduardo dos Santos, to pursue this path and continue efforts to contribute to peace in Africa, a continent strongly affected by fratricidal wars and by the action of terrorist groups, created, supported and funded by countries that covet their natural resources in exchange for the continuation of underdevelopment, poverty and dependence.