Original: Spanish
The Socialist International is following with concern the difficult political, economic and social situation currently underway in Venezuela, and its descent towards a progressive deterioration of the democratic values and political coexistence, which are the fundamental basis of democratic political systems. We therefore call on the Bolivarian Government of Venezuela to make all efforts to create the conditions and political environment favourable to a climate of harmony and peace during the forthcoming legislative elections that will take place on 6 December.
We call on the National Electoral Council (CNE), the different political actors in the country and Unasur to start a political dialogue that will genuinely facilitate conditions for a fair and equitable electoral process with the presence of international observers including the various national and international electoral NGOs, and citizen observers that will contribute to the transparency and international recognition of the Venezuelan electoral process. The Socialist International is convinced that the Venezuelan legislative electoral process represents the best opportunity for the Venezuelan people, through their vote, to find the solution to the serious political, economic and social crisis that affects the country.
The Socialist International categorically condemns the recent acts of violence affecting Lilian Tintori, wife of the leader of Voluntad Popular, Leopoldo López, the former presidential candidate, Governor Henrique Capriles and parliamentary candidate Miguel Pizarro of the Justice First party, who have been victims of aggression. Events culminated with the assassination on 24 November of the regional secretary of Acción Democrática in Altagracia de Orituco, Luis Manuel Díaz, during a campaign meeting in Guárico State. They stood at the time on a platform with the local opposition candidate, Rummy Olivo, who was herself accompanied by Lilian Tintori. We hold President Nicolás Maduro and his government responsible for guaranteeing a climate of peace and political dialogue, which allows the realisation of fair and transparent elections that ensure the authentic expression of the popular will.