The XXV SI Congress and recent Council meetings have called on Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders to pursue peace talks aiming to reach a bizonal, bicommunal federal solution for Cyprus as soon as possible, and has closely followed the recent reunification talks that concluded without an agreement on 7 July.
As agreed by both sides on the island, the current status quo cannot be accepted in Cyprus. Despite the unsuccessful end to the conference on Cyprus in Crans Montana last week, an important step forward was achieved as all stakeholders were present and presented their views. Consequently, all sides should not give up the efforts to change this status quo. Convergences reached to date should not be wasted. Both communities of Cyprus deserve to live in a peaceful country integrated in the international community. The United Nations and the international community should encourage all the related parties in this direction. Until the political solution is reached, confidence-building measures should be supported with the aim of mutual coexistence, rapprochement and peacebuilding throughout the island.