(original French)
The Socialist International,
Expresses its deep concern and emotion in the face of the spiral of killings which the Algerian people have endured for five years. The increase in the number of assassinations, mass murders and indiscriminate attacks adds endlessly to the list of victims. Hostage to violence and condemned to silence, the Algerian population lives in a climate of terror aggravated by the terrible social and economic conditions.
However, the Algerian people have for the most part expressed their profound aspiration to peace and democracy. A political solution could have been found after the presidential election, but the opportunity was not seized. The 1995 referendum on the constitution, as well as the new laws which completely limit, frame and control the functioning of political parties and the independent press mark a serious retreat from democracy.
Expresses its grave concern at the absence of political and technical guarantees, and control of the general elections planned for this year.
Is convinced that no solution to the Algerian crisis, no political, economic and social development, can be envisaged without a return to peace and stability.
Calls on those in power and all those political and social forces which condemn and reject violence and terrorism, to open a real dialogue in order to set in motion a dynamic for peace capable of giving back hope to the Algerian people and of securing freedom, honesty and the legitimacy of the general elections.
Assures its member party, the FFS, the other parties which believe in civil peace, the associations and the independent press, of its complete solidarity in this situation where those in power and the islamists provide each other with the pretext for stifling individual and collective freedoms.
Through its initiatives at governmental and non-governmental level the Socialist International hopes to contribute to a return to peace and democracy in Algeria.