Original: French
The Council of the Socialist International, meeting in Rome on 20-21 January 2003,
Taking note of developments during these last years in Iran,
Encourages all forces in favour of democracy and human rights to continue on the road towards change and reform;
Strongly condemns the grave violations of human rights and democratic freedoms committed by the opponents of reform in that country, including the closing down of several newspapers, the arrest of journalists, intellectuals and students who favour change, and the condemnation to death and execution of Kurdish militants;
Denounces the repression against the Kurds in Iran and underlines the need to find a peaceful solution to the Kurdish problem in Iran;
Reaffirms its support for the legitimate rights of the Kurds in Iran and its solidarity with the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI), a member of the Socialist International, which remains faithful to democratic values and to a peaceful solution to the Kurdish problem in Iran.