Original: Spanish
Meeting in Split on 10-11 October 2003, at an important moment for the international community given the latest developments in Iraq and the Middle East, the SI Mediterranean Committee:
- Notes that the Mediterranean has become the centre of world crises, where two of the most serious international conflicts are taking place. At the same time, the Mediterranean is facing great challenges such as security, peace and war, sustainable development or the relation between democracy and development.
- Recognises that the Mediterranean is a sphere of great potential in which co-exist a plurality of cultures, languages, religions and traditions open to building greater cooperation and integration in a world ever more globalised.
- Recognises the importance of the integration processes for solving the economic, social and political conflicts, which are conditioned by globalisation which offer both advantages and disadvantages.
- Notes that the Euro-Mediterranean process, which will soon see its tenth year, is the ideal and only framework to advance in the economic, socio-cultural and in particular political cooperation between the countries of the region. A greater effort and will is necessary to advance decidedly in the implementation of the Agreements and to give particular attention to the participation and integration of women in the process of establishing peace and development.
- Considers that this method of cooperation is not only possible and necessary but must be based on dialogue and mutual confidence. Therefore it is necessary to promote regional integration between the countries of the Southern zone of the Mediterranean which participate in the Barcelona Process, choosing their own model of integration.
- Understands that the balance and stability of the region are subject to intense efforts for peace and security in the area. Both shores of the Mediterranean can and should contribute to that balance and in the interests of both should be in harmony. There exist more than enough factors to indicate an uncertain future if the structurally unjust situations which affect the Southern shore persist.
- The third pillar, which relates to social and human partnership should be strengthened and promoted in order to reinforce common values, respect and understanding, thus ensuring an equilibrium between the economic and socio-cultural partnership.
- Considers that the open crisis since the beginning of the war in Iraq has once again raised the issue of reforming multilateral institutions to make them more democratic and efficient, adapting them to the new realities and challenges of the 21st Century. The fight against the new threats to freedom, democracy and human rights, such as terrorism, the mafias of illegal immigration, organised crime, hunger or AIDS, should be based on a democratic concept of global security.
- Expresses its concern over the situation in Algeria and reiterates its solidarity with the Algerian people in their efforts to find a political peaceful and global solution.
- Welcomes the positive developments in the political process in Cyprus, and reaffirms the resolution on Cyprus adopted at the Toledo meeting of this Committee and its position that a settlement on the Cyprus question must be based on the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions and in accordance with the principles of the UN Charter, international law and the ‘acquis communautaire’.
- Observes with hope the UN Resolution regarding Western Sahara which aims to find a solution within the framework of international law.
- Observes with concern the terrible reality of the current situation of the Road Map, condemning the declarations of the Israeli authorities in which they do not exclude the physical elimination or expulsion of the President of the Palestinian National Authority. Furthermore, the Committee condemns the recent Israeli air raid against Syria, a sovereign country, which runs the risk of internationalising the conflict, and is a breach of international law.
- The SI Mediterranean Committee urges all sides to adopt a political rationale which would lead to the co-existence and cooperation of two peoples and two states, the Israeli and a sovereign and viable Palestinian state, in accordance with international law, rejecting all types of extremist attitudes and violence against either peoples, including the construction of the wall in Palestinian territory.